What to Expect in an Iowa DHS Family Team Meeting

After the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) becomes involved with a family due to an abuse or neglect accusation, a Family Team Meeting is often scheduled rather quickly.  Handling that meeting properly can have lasting effects upon the situation, going so far as to influence the outcome of DHS reports, juvenile court decisions, and criminal charges.  For that reason, it is prudent to consult with an attorney prior to

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Dealing with DHS (in Iowa) and DCFS (in Illinois)

Each state has its own child protective services agency.  In Illinois, that agency is called the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS).  In Iowa, it goes by the name Department of Human Services (DHS).  A person who finds themselves facing a DHS or DCFS investigation, no matter how baseless that investigation may be, is wise to promptly seek an attorney and avoid saying or doing anything until that attorney can review the situation and provide

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