Stalking No Contact Order in Illinois

Pursuant to the Stalking No Contact Order Act, Illinois permits a person to file a Petition for a Stalking No Contact Order and to request relief from individuals engaging in stalking behavior. The perpetrator against whom relief is requested, also known as the Respondent, must be engaging in a course of conduct of stalking. This is generally proven by two or more acts of any method, including following a

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Premarital (Prenuptuial or Antenuptial) Agreements in Illinois

Premarital agreements (also known as prenuptuial or antenuptial agreements) are great for couples who want to figure out the distribution of their property prior to the filing of a divorce. A premarital agreement enables couples to come to a mutual understanding during the

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Parental Alienation in Illinois Custody and Divorce Cases

Parental Alienation is a situation that is often created in custody and divorce cases when one parent (or other individual) attempts to destroy the relationship between a child and the other parent.  Illinois law quite correctly sees such improper action on the part of a parent, grandparent, or other person as seriously damaging to the child, and the Illinois

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Dealing with Pets in Illinois Divorce Cases

Pets are an important part of many people’s lives.  Indeed, I have seen Illinois divorce cases where there was more concerns over a dog or cat then some people people sadly show for their children.  As such, handling pet matters in a divorce case can be of great importance.

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Rule to Show Cause (Contempt Action) in Illinois

If a person does not obey a court Order in Illinois, then there is a remedy called a Rule to Show Cause (also referred to as a Contempt Action) that can be brought to address the matter.  In Illinois, a Rule to Show Cause is often used to address failures to pay child support and interference with visitation.

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Temporary Allowances (Temporary custody, visitation, child support, attorney fees) in Illinois

In a pending custody or divorce case in the state of Illinois, the court can grant Temporary Allowances to handle the issues of visitation, custody, child support, and attorney fees.  If the case is a divorce case, the court can also address temporary spousal support (alimony), payment of household expenses, and other such matters.

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Guardianship of Children in Illinois

A guardianship in Illinois is the legal process through which someone other than the parent of a child can legally care for the child.  Guardianship are commonly used when a child’s parents are unable or unwilling to care for a child.  For example, a relative may seek a guardianship of a child when the parent(s) are incarcerated, addicted to drugs to the point of being unable to care for the child, just not willing/able to parent, or deceased.

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Child Custody in Illinois

Under Illinois law, a parent of a child can bring a custody case to have the court legally establish paternity, custody, visitation, and child support.  The Illinois law that governs such cases is the Dissolution of Marriage Act, and that law applies for the sake of custody matters whether the parents were married or not.  There are some differences in how cases proceed depending upon whether the parents were married, and this article discusses the scenario in which the parents are not married.

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Child Support in Illinois

In a variety of situations – such as the end of a marriage or when unmarried parents cannot agree as to the sharing of child-related expenses – the “non-custodial” parent (the parent with whom the child does not live) may be ordered by an Illinois court to pay a certain amount as child support.

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