Iowa DHS/HHS Appeal Hearings now take place by Video instead of Telephone

Historically, those appealing a founded or confirmed Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) or Health and Human Services (HHS) report of child abuse/neglect or dependent adult abuse/neglect had two options for their hearing: in-person in Des Moines, Iowa or by telephone. This year, the telephone option was eliminated and future hearings are being set by … Read more

Illinois State Police Improperly Delay FOID and Concealed Carry Permit Appeals

Over the last year, we have noticed an increase in amount of time that the Illinois State Police (ISP) take to process appeals of denials of Firearms Owner Identification (FOID) cards and concealed carry permits. Sadly this is nothing new, as the ISP has been improperly delaying firearms-related matters for many years.

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Child in Need of Assistance (CINA) Appeals in Iowa

When the Iowa juvenile court takes action against a parent’s rights, that parent can appeal. Child in need of assistance (CINA) appeals in Iowa are governed by the Iowa Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Rules on Electronic Document Management System, which are the electronic filing of court documents. Because appeals are time sensitive and have specific requirements, it is highly advisable

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Appealing a Criminal Conviction in Iowa

Those convicted of a crime in Iowa have a right to appeal that conviction.  Criminal Appeals in Iowa are governed by the Iowa Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Rules on Electronic Document Management System, which are the electronic filing of court documents. Because appeals are time sensitive and have specific requirements, it is highly advisable to contact an attorney immediately

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Illinois FOID and Concealed Carry License (CCL) Denial Appeal Process

 If an individual’s application for a FOID card is denied, or if their FOID card has been revoked, the aggrieved party may file an appeal with the Illinois State Police. All final administrative decisions by the Illinois State Police are subject to further judicial review

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Appealing a Founded DCFS Child Abuse Report in Illinois

In Illinois, the Department of Children and Family Services is the state agency that handles the investigation of child abuse and child neglect accusations.  In situations where the DCFS worker assigned to the case believes that child abuse or neglect has occurred, a “founded” report will be produced.  In some cases, such a founded report will result in a person being added to Illinois’ child abuse database, called the State Central Register, which can have significant negative

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Appealing a Custody or Divorce Case in Iowa

Divorce and custody cases can be the most important legal system event in a person’s life, as the outcome can influence custody, visitation, property, and financial aspects of the person’s life for years to come.  If the outcome of the trial is not favorable, then an appeal should be considered.

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