Cryptocurrency Payments Now Accepted

At Puryear Law, we have always prided ourselves on being on the cutting edge of technology while still also providing clients with the sort of face-to-face legal services that can put their minds at ease.  In keeping with that tradition, we are pleased to announce that we now support payment in cryptocurrency, to include Bitcoin … Read more

Causes of Action for Police Misconduct and Brutality

In terms of filing a lawsuit for police misconduct, there are several federal and state causes of action. In terms of a federal cause of action, a claim is typically brought under 42 U.S.C. section 1983. This section provides that [e]very person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any … Read more

$3,000 Jury Verdict Against Lawyer Jack A. Schwartz for Legal Malpractice

After two days of trial, a jury in Rock Island County, Illinois returned a verdict on January 11, 2017 in case 2012LM63.  That case was a legal malpractice and breach of contract lawsuit against Jack A. Schwartz, an attorney from Rock Island, IL. The verdict was against Jack A. Schwartz for $3,000 was due to Mr. Schwartz’s improper handling of … Read more

Bringing a Malpractice Lawsuit against an Attorney – A Successful Example Involving Suing Jack A. Schwartz for Malpractice in Rock Island, IL

Attorneys can and do commit malpractice.  This article discusses legal malpractice in general, as well as an example in which our firm successfully obtained a jury verdict for thousands of dollars against Rock Island, IL lawyer Jack A. Schwartz for his malpractice and breach of contract.

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An Advertising Letter I Received from Racist (Former) Iowa Crime Laboratory Analyst Amy Pollpeter about her new company Forensic DNA Consulting Resources

I previously discussed the firing of racist Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation Crime Lab analyst Amy Pollpeter. On August 19, 2016 I received an unsolicited advertising letter from her, offering her services as an expert witness in connection with her new company Forensic DNA Consulting Resources. For the reasons discussed below, I certainly will not purchase her services and cannot imagine how any attorney in their right mind would want to do so either.

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Money-Saving Tips for Those with Divorce or Child Custody Cases

A child custody or divorce case can be one of the most important events in a person’s life.  It can also be one of the more expensive events too.  However, there are things that a person can do to help minimize that expense while also seeking the best possible outcome for the case.

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Don’t Try to Buy a Firearm if You are Prohibited from Doing So

Over the years, I have consulted with many people who were disqualified from possessing a gun due to a criminal conviction, a protective order, etc.  Some of those people have told me that they knew themselves to be prohibited, but tried to buy a gun anyway to see what would happen.  Doing so is a very bad idea.

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The Shooting of Concealed Carry Permit Holder Philando Castile by a MN Police Officer

The police killing of concealed carry permit holder Philando Castile is a troubling, for a variety of reasons, as are the killings of the 5 police officers in Dallas, TX that soon followed. I discuss the civil rights and gun rights implications of those killings on my gun rights website in this article.

Illinois State Police Improperly Delay FOID and Concealed Carry Permit Appeals

Over the last year, we have noticed an increase in amount of time that the Illinois State Police (ISP) take to process appeals of denials of Firearms Owner Identification (FOID) cards and concealed carry permits. Sadly this is nothing new, as the ISP has been improperly delaying firearms-related matters for many years.

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